Blessed are they who understand My faltering step and shaking hand Blessed, who know my ears today Must strain to hear the things they say. Blessed are those who seem to know My eyes are dim and my mind is slow Blessed are those who look away When I spilled tea that weary day. Blessed are they who, with cheery smile Stopped to chat for a little while Blessed are they who know the way To bring back memories of yesterday Blessed are those who never say “You’ve told that story twice today” Blessed are they who make it known

That I am loved, respected and not alone.

And blessed are they who will ease the days Of my journey home, in loving ways.

Poem by Esther Mary Walker


One needs to have love, respect and grace as one ages. Likewise, the true test of the younger generation , perhaps, lies in returning the love and care once showered on us by our parents and elders, with equal dignity and care. This thought drove an eclectic group of five family friends from different walks of life to come together to give birth to the idea of UTSAVLIFE ASSISTED LIVING.


A doting home maker, and an active senior citizen herself, Mrs Tarla Tanna helped us to understand that no matter how prepared you think you are for old age, the reality is very different. She brings her immense wisdom and a senior’s point of view to the the Team.

Mrs. Mona Desai , a mother of two, has spent 10 years teaching per-primary kids, While also helping her Aging parents as a dutiful daughter. That’s when she realized that “ A man growing old, becomes a Child again”. Both the categories require special attention and care. While there are ample facilities for the former, there seems to be a lot more to be done for Senior care. That’s when she decided to join hands in this ambitious project and lend support in fulfilling this gap.

Mr Anil Somaiya and Mr Nayan Somaiya, The self – made successful businessmen from Pune are more lovingly referred to as the Ram –
Lakshman Jodi amongst their friends and business circles. They have the combined advantage of modern perspective emanating from a Degree in Business Administration and more than two decades of hands-on experience in successfully handling multiple projects and businesses. Drawing inspiration from their Mother, whom they were fortunate to comfort and provide geriatric care in her last days, They have now made it their mission to provide a solid infrastructure, best amenities, professional, yet personal care and a fulfilling environment to the senior residents in Utsavlife to bring “Twinkles in the Wrinkles”..

At UtsavLife, we understand the changing needs of our Elders and make them feel “Loved, Respected, and Not Alone”. As the poem says, We, at UtsavLife are indeed Blessed to be able to provide the means to comfort our Seniors in their Golden Years and help them Celebrate Life !!

                                                                                      Our staff


Care giving Staff

  • Hand-Picked Staff Based On Extensive Background Check
  • Impeccable Hygiene Standards
  • Staff, Including Nurses, Brothers, Male And Female Caregivers, Thoroughly Trained By Experts To Give Elderly Care
  • Round-The-Clock Resident Services Team

Doctors & Specialists

  • In House Doctors To Supervise And Consult On A Daily Basis
  • 24 * 7 Primary Health Care And Emergency Response Teams
  • Tie Up With Multi Specialty Hospital For Emergencies And Diagnostics
  • Ambulance On Call
  • Clearly Prescribed Emergency Medical Protocols
  • Consultants And Experts Available For Tell-Counselling And On-Site Consultation

                                                                                   Our team

Client Logo
                                                                                                                                      Ms. Prajakta Padgaokar

                                                                          – Author of ‘Sanjwat’, the pioneer book for senior care system
                                                                          – Over 13 years of experience in the field of senior care system
                                                                          – Former Director of administration at Nana-Nani Foundation
                                                                          – We are previleged to get her guidance since inception

Client Logo
                                                                                                                                    Dr. Jyothsna Kangavkar
                                                                                                   In-house Medical Administrator

                                                                               – More than 20 years of experience in the field of medicine
                                                                               – Rich experience in various hospitals as a Medical officer
                                         – Proficient in handling day to day medical related issues with excellent clinical skills and knowledge
                 – She is in-house medical supervisor, advisor, trainer, co-coordinator and looking after all kind of medical needs of residents